
Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Wardrobe Organization

We survived the record snow depths of winter… Spring is finally upon us… and I personally couldn’t be happier. It is finally time to put away your trendy arctic survival gear, pack up your polar bear repellant prints, and let your spring wardrobe bloom! What better way to celebrate than a little organization?

This is my first spring living in my gorgeous new apartment as I moved in last September. Look at this amazing view of our third floor living room once we settled in this past fall! It's officially called a penthouse by the way ;-)

Since I’ve moved in and unpacked into my room on the second floor, I’ve been working to organize my wardrobe. With the season of spring cleaning underway, I thought I’d share how I’ve arranged my wardrobe. Hopefully it’ll give some of you ideas or at the very least some inspiration to get organized yourself. I’ll start off by saying… I have a lot of clothes, and was elated to find an apartment with ample storage space. The downside is that my wardrobe is slowly expanding to fill every last inch (ok, maybe not so slowly)… but that is fine, I plan on moving into a mansion or castle next, so I don’t anticipate any problems ;-) 

My goal throughout all my organization is to make everything visible and accessible as much as possible... if I can see it, I'm much more likely to wear it or remember that it is the perfect piece to complete an outfit. Some of my favorite combinations have come from something catching my eye and trying it out to be pleasantly surprised. 

I have a full, double closet with built-in shelves on either side. Originally, I’m assuming this master bedroom was designed to accommodate the clothing of two people. Since I’m currently single, I seized the opportunity to fill the whole thing myself!

Though it is difficult to tell from the pictures, I’ve organized the hanging clothes in my closet roughly by color, and/or style. I’ve separated out tops from dresses and skirts, and tried to keep similar items (like sweater dresses for example) together. Using the slim velvety hangers you can find at any department store, I was able to fit as much as possible. My goal was simply to make things easy to find when I needed them.  I use the built-in shelves for items that are a bit more of a pain to hang. On the right side I have pants and jeans, and on the left I have my dance clothes, t-shirts, and some activewear.

I have 2 smaller dressers which keep the rest of the non-hanging clothes, nothing too special about them. I do adore styles using leggings and hosiery so in order to organize my collection put two shoeboxes into a drawer and then rolled each pair of tights/leggings so I could see everything easily and grab what I want without having to rummage. Leggings on the right, tights/pantyhose on the left.

My room had one wall of shelving a bit out of the way by the door so I decided that would be a fabulous location for my shoes as I would never have enough other items to fill the shelves otherwise. It’s worked out great and seriously… who doesn’t need a wall of shoes? I use cut up “pool noodles” to help keep my boots upright and in shape. They’re a super cheap solution and work great. I also use this space for hats and gloves, and other accessories like scarves that I grab on my way out since its by the door.

I keep all my jewelry on top of my dresser or hanging on the wall. For my necklaces, I bought a pretty curtain rod and use that to keep everything neat and orderly as well as make a lovely decorative touch. Why let pretty things go to waste hidden away! A few decorative trays from the “decorative bathroom” collections you see around to keep my rings and bracelets organized. Voila, accessible and decorative jewelry storage. I also have several little Mason jars strategically placed (like in the shadow box) which have hair elastics and ties in them so I can just have them when I need them.

Last but certainly not least, I keep all my makeup and supplies in a lovely vanity that my mother gave me for Christmas this past year. Brushes are within reach on the top and with some kitchen drawer organizer bins on the inside, all my products are pretty neatly accessible. The mirror folds down and I have some desk space if I need it as well.

There is another double closet in the hallway outside my room which I use to store all my coats and outerwear that I can grab as I leave the apartment. It is truly a blessing to have space to spread out.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of my lovely apartment and my organization scheme! If you have any great organization ideas or tricks please feel free to share them in the comments.

I’m glad to be back blogging and if you enjoy the blog be sure share the love with a like on facebook as well.


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